Friday, January 26, 2018

Hanover Hockey Hair Spotlight: Rowan Wilson

(Bloggers note: Each week during the season we will feature a “Hanover Hockey Hair Spotlight” hairstyle of the week.  This will be published on Fridays) 

Player:  Rowan Wilson

Hair Nickname(s): Thor

The Story Behind the Hair:  I always had long hair until 5th grade when I cut it and in 5th and 6th grade I had a buzz cut.  My mom loved it but I couldn’t wait to grow it.  For this season, my last cut was in March at the end of last season.

Hair Product(s): Bumble and Bumble hairspray AND hairwax

Hair Primping Secret(s): I shower and then put a hat on.  In the winter I put on a Hanover hockey hat and in the summer I put on a Hockey Night in Boston baseball hat

One Word to Describe Your Family’s Feelings about Your Hair:  My brother loves it, my sister hates it and my mom thinks it’s out of control.  My dad is just chill.

Teammate Whose Hair You Would Most Like to Have: Harris or Hans – they both have great flow-like hair

Rink Talk:  We at rink talk have seen some great hockey flows over the years – 2010 Patrick Kane, 1981 Gretzky, any year Al Iafrate, 2017 Hanover’s Acker – but none, and I mean none, compare to the mane sported by this sophomore center.  Whereas the mullet is defined by being “all business in the front and party in the back” Wilson’s flow is a 100% celebratory rager from bangs to shoulders. Those teammates who think they are bringing it with a 2:1 shampoo/conditioner combination better think again because this guy puts WAX in his locks to get this look. Great kid and player taking the flow-volution to new heights – strong work Rowan.


  1. import random

    # Function that creates username with same format
    def make_user_name(first_name, last_name, birth_year):

    #Get rid of symbols in hyphonated names
    last_name = last_name.replace("'", "").replace("-", "")
    first_name = first_name.replace("'", "").replace("-", "")
    # If statements to declare whether more first name characters need to be added to username
    if len(last_name) >= 7:
    username = first_name[0] + last_name[:7] + str(birth_year)
    return username.lower()
    username = first_name[:7-len(last_name) + 1] + last_name[:7] + str(birth_year)
    return username.lower()

    def make_password(dob, words):

    # Create password variable with empty quotes
    password = ""
    dob = dob.split("/")

    # If statement to declare whether a zero needs to be added to birth month
    if len(dob[0]) == 1:
    password = password + "0"
    password = password + dob[0]

    # Uses word tuple to select random word for password
    rand_word = random.choice(words)
    password = password + rand_word

    # If statement to declare whether a zero needs to be added to birth date
    if len(dob[1]) == 1:
    password = password + "0"
    password = password + dob[1]

    # Return completed password
    return password

    def main():
    # Tuple of words to be added to password
    mywords = ("Bruins","Celtics","Redsox","Patriots","Revolution","Terriers","Eagles")
    # File name input
    name_infile = input("Enter the name of the file with employee info: ")
    # IOError exception handling
    infile = open(name_infile, "r")
    except IOError:
    # Notify user of error
    print(f"No file named {name_infile} was found")
    # Output file name & opening
    name_outfile = "login_info.txt"
    outfile = open(name_outfile, "w")
    # Loop for generating each user's info & use split function
    for line in infile:
    info = line.replace("/n", "").split(",")
    # Variables for identifying values
    fname = info[0]
    lname = info[1]
    birth_date = info[2]
    # Finalize by assigning username and password to proper functions
    username = make_user_name(fname, lname, birth_date.split("/")[2].rstrip())
    password = make_password(birth_date,mywords)
    # Write & display info on output file
    outfile.write(f"{fname} {lname}'s username is: {username} password is {password}\n")
    # Close files
    # Call main

  2. This is Ben's work by the way ^ (don't steal)
